Robert Pattinson’s next film continues his weirdest movie Death Trend

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The impending movie adaptation of sci-fi novel Mickey7 sees Robert Pattinson repeat a weird trend when it comes to his character and death.

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Robert Pattinson's upcoming role in Mickey7 continues a bizarre death trend that has followed the actor's most iconic roles.

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Mickey7 is a sci-fi movie adaption of the original novel of the same name, in which notable actor Robert Patterson will be starring in as the titular character.

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In the book, Mickey7 is an "Expendable" sent to help colonize a planet, who is able to regenerate after death and retain most of his memories while doing so - something that has already happened six times before the plot begins, hence the number attached to his name.

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The premise looks to set up a quirky if somewhat brutal impending sci-fi treat, in many ways continuing the trajectory of Robert Pattinson's movie career.

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While the actor became known for his role as the romantic lead in the Twilight movies, and his brief but memorable role in the Harry Potter series, recent history has seen Pattinson take on more unusual roles

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However, all of these Robert Pattinson movie roles share one common trait that manages to be surprisingly common for the actor's movie appearances.

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This is namely the trend of so many of Robert Pattinson's main or major character roles seeing him die in the plot in notably weird ways.

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Mickey7 should only continue this trajectory, hopefully paving the way for further exciting and unusual characters to be played by the former Twilight star.

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