Kevin Spacey faces New York jury in sexual assault court case

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An actor who’s accused Kevin Spacey of making a sexual advance on him as a 14-year-old recounted the episode for a New York City jury on Friday, testifying he felt helpless when Spacey climbed on top of him in bed.

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Kevin Spacey appeared in a New York court on Thursday to face an accusation by fellow actor Anthony Rapp that he was sexually abused by the actor as a minor.

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During opening arguments in the case, presided over by Judge Lewis Kaplan, Rapp's lawyer Peter Saghir told a jury of six men and six women that Spacey, 

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then in his late 20s, committed "unacceptable" acts against his then-teenaged client, "intentionally to satisfy the drive of his sexual desires".

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The alleged assault, at Spacey's New York apartment, "never should have happened", Mr Saghir continued. "He was 14 years old."

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Spacey, who went on to star in films like The Usual Suspects and American Beauty, has kept a fairly low profile since the allegation, which emerged in the wake of the #MeToo movement, which highlighted widespread abuse in the film industry.

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Last month, Rapp spoke about his accusation in an interview with BuzzFeed News.

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Spacey responded online, offering his "sincerest apology" to Rapp for any "deeply inappropriate drunken behaviour", saying he did not recall the alleged incident.

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Rapp filed a civil lawsuit after a 2020 criminal charge of sexual assault was dismissed by a judge.

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According to court documents, Rapp claims that during the party 35 years ago, Spacey lifted him up and that his hand "grazed" his buttocks.

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Rapp claims Spacey then placed him back down on a bed and "briefly placed his own clothed body partially beside and partially across" his own.

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He told the court there had been "no kissing, no undressing, no reaching under clothes, and no sexualised statements or innuendo," during the alleged incident which lasted no more than two minutes.

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His lawyer said Spacey's behaviour was "wrong and frankly unacceptable." "This was not horseplay," he added.

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A trial will take place in June 2023, with a pre-hearing expected to take place early next year.

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