The web 3.0 revolution is on the horizon and it looks like the biggest thing since the invention of the World Wide Web that will provide a two-way exchange of information between users and web applications. Web 3.0 will be more intelligent, thanks to machine learning, more connected through web services and APIs, and will enable better use of data by using the Semantic Web.
The term Web 3.0 basically means more intelligent and efficient, but the definition is still up for debate. Some people believe that the future of the world wide web (WWW) will be focused on three major trends: Artificial Intelligence (AI), semantic technologies, and the Internet of Things. Others believe that it will depend on personalization due to user preference data compiled and analyzed.
While the exact definition is still in flux, it is agreed upon that Web 3.0 will become a reality because the migration from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 already happened. Web 1.0 was all about making information available on the Web, while Web 2.0 was about socializing that information and building online communities around it. The main feature of Web 3.0 is the integration of a digital marketplace with a trusted identity system that will personalize people’s experiences on the web and continue to create new ways for us to share and collaborate, and ultimately, transform our lives.

The web will look not just to automate tasks but something closer to truly understanding the multifaceted human context. There will be a revolution in search and retrieval. The way we are searching on the web today is quite primitive what we need to do is allow intelligent virtual assistants to mine our digital footprints. This will shape this new web 3.0 as it will be heavily driven by Artificial Intelligence
Web 3 or the “Semantic Web” is an idea for a website where machines will be able to understand the content on websites. It is something that Tim Berners Lee, who invented the World Wide Web, wants to bring again to the web. A website should be able to understand words put in search queries the same way a human would. This way, it can generate and share better content.
If you search on Google or in other search engines you will get so many links with definitions and differences. Some years ago Tim Berners-Lee renamed web3.0 as the Semantic Web which means a web that will understand the user inputs conceptually, contextually and will work automatically interface with systems, people, and home devices.

Key Features of Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is the next stage of internet development, placing an emphasis on the relationship between humans and machines. These five features help us understand the real impact of the new web.
1. Semantic Web: Imagine you’re searching for the word ‘Miami’ on the Web. A Semantic Web would understand that ‘Miami’ can also be a place, before showing you results relevant to Miami as both a place and a word. It could also shift from one meaning to another as needed, based on context. To put it short, the Semantic Web will understand what your searches mean, and possibly even how they are linked. In other ways, we can write “I love TikTok ” or “I <3 TikTok”, here syntax are may not same but the semantics are pretty much the same. Here semantics only care about the meaning or emotion of the content.
2. Artificial Intelligence: The concept of web 3.0 allows machines to correlate differing data sets, that can be accessed from anywhere and readily processed by numerous platforms. The result is increased intelligent systems, which are able to process data and provide feedback based upon the true meanings within it. This results in an internet that is much more sophisticated and engaging than we have now, but with a human’s common sense, intuition, creativity, and serendipity. Thus way artificial intelligence is demonstrated by machines which are already defined by Wikipedia.
3. Universality: Universality means being or having the be everywhere at the same time. In Web 2.0 we are already in universality, for example, A Instagram user can instantly capture a picture share it, which becomes a universality where it’s available to anyone no matter where they are, as long as they have access to the internet and social media as well follower of that user.
Web 3.0 simply takes this step furthermore to people by making the internet accessible for everyone everywhere. At some point, devices that are already internet-connected will not be concentrated on computers and smartphones like in Web 2.0 which already uses this technology of IoT (Internet of Things)
4. 3D Graphics: 3D (Three dimensional) internet is the next generation internet that is emerging these days. Already, web 3.0 is launched with some amazing 3D capabilities. The basic idea of 3D websites is to enhance our traditional websites into a more informative one and also smartly informing about what we are capable of and what we provide for you.
5. Connectivity: Web 3.0, which can also be referred to as the semantic web, is all about making intelligent connections between disparate pieces of information. Based on this data, we are able to provide you with a more personalized and relevant online experience.
In closing thoughts, Web 3.0 is the next generation of the web and will be a way to connect machines to humans and machines to each other. This new generation of the web is being built on a different technology. The most important things about this new web are: data will be seen in a more human way, transactions can take place peer to peer without a central trusted third party, users have more control of their privacy, and the internet surfing experience can be personalized for them.