Martin Cooper is a famous American engineer. He played a pioneering role in advancing wireless communication technology. In 1973, he did great work with mobile phones.
Recently, Martin Cooper stated that while we currently use mobile phones as tools, in the future they will be connected under our skin as diverse devices.
Martin Cooper gave an interview to the popular US media channel CNBC. He said that currently smartphones need to be charged separately. But technology will come in the future that will no longer be necessary. This device can take charge from the human body. Technology such as phone devices will be connected under people’s ears is going to come in the future.
The human body can be compared to a charging device. Energy is generated in our body. It is possible to charge the device through this energy. Scientists may use this technique in the future.
Actually when we eat food energy is generated in the body. A new revolution can happen in mobile phone technology. Elon Musk’s company has already started working on Neurolink. New sensors may be implanted in the human body.
Scientists are also working on how to connect the human brain with the computer. Martin Cooper was able to bring new innovations by working with the smartphone of 1973.
He worked with distinction in Motorola company. Cooper also said that nowadays we have to use various types of applications due to necessity. As a result, the whole process is becoming more complicated. In the future, such technology should be invented so that people can get more benefits.