After the devastating earthquake in 2010, Haiti became a place of death. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela at that time, made a comment about the disaster in Haiti that surprised everyone.

He said that America had tested a sophisticated weapon called haarp which caused disaster in Haiti. Hugo Chavez claimed that America’s top secret science projector was named haarp.
At the same time, then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed America for the floods in Pakistan. Then the haarp conspiracy theory became popular around the world. This theory was also blamed for the terrible natural disasters in Chile and Japan at the time.
In fact, a scientific projector called HAARP was working in America to observe the Earth’s ionosphere. Although it was a humanitarian project, the project was criticized worldwide.
One of the biggest criticisms is maintaining privacy. All documents and reports of this study have not been released to the public. The US Department of the Interior was involved in the project. It is estimated that 5.8 billion energy can be generated through this projector.
The projector scientists claim that their haarp technology is never capable of causing natural disasters. Because they study the ionosphere. However, natural disasters occur in the troposphere and stratosphere.
Umran Inam, a professor at Stanford University, said people have misconceptions about the haarp project. According to physics, it is not possible to produce large amount of energy through this research.
You’d be surprised how many other scientific projects have fallen prey to such conspiracy theories. Scientists believe it is possible to artificially create natural disasters through nuclear bombs and hydraulic fracturing systems.
In 1893, a scientist named Tesla researched an artificial device for creating earthquakes. But he could not make it a reality.