A new study suggests that the world may be in trouble when it comes to global warming. Scientists used an AI to predict how long it will take for temperatures to become very dangerous and the AI’s answer was not good.
The study shows that global temperatures could reach the critical 1.5 degrees Celsius in just 10 years. If this happens, there could be more droughts, loss of wildlife and ecosystems, and even famines.
The Paris Agreement aims to prevent this from happening by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, the world is already experiencing 1.1 to 1.2 degrees of warming.
The Paris Agreement wants to keep warming below 2 degrees Celsius, but the AI thinks there is a big chance we will reach even this level by 2050. If this happens, the effects of climate change will be irreversible and much worse.
The study shows that even in the best-case scenario, the 1.5-degree threshold could be reached by 2033 to 2035. The AI predicts that the 2-degree threshold could be reached by 2065 with an 80% chance, and even sooner if emissions stay high. The researchers say that the more global warming there is, the harder it will be for people and ecosystems to adapt.