Scientists are very interested to know if there are other planets like Earth. At one time, there was no system to detect the existence of planets outside our solar system. But in 1992, everything changed after NASA’s success in this regard.
NASA has confirmed that there are 5,000 exoplanets in space. But the most important question is how many Earth-like planets exist. At present, even NASA does not have the right answer to this question.
But NASA hopes that they will be able to find some habitable planets. Many people are curious about how the search for habitable planets is actually done.
Scientists are trying to find planets where the climate won’t get too hot or too cold. There will be a sufficient water supply. If the plains are as cold as ice, they will not be habitable.
Scientists also reported that the closer a planet is to its nearest star, the more likely that planet is habitable.
Earlier, scientists were optimistic about Jupiter and Neptune. But these two planets are not habitable as the weather is not favourable.
NASA has a spacecraft named Transiting exoplanet survey satellite (TESS). Planetary exploration is done with it. Earlier, the Kepler spacecraft was used to search for planets. But it ran out of fuel in 2018.
TESS’s mission is to closely monitor the brightest stars in space. If the brightness of a star’s light changes over time, it can be assumed that there may be habitable planets around it.
If the brightness of a star is always the same, then there are no habitable planets around it. Scientists are hopeful that they will soon find habitable planets like Earth.