Mantis is an order of insects in which 33 families have been identified by scientists so far. 2400 species of mantis insects in 460 genera have been found here. The most interesting species among them is the Dead Leaf Mantis.

This species of animal lives in temperate and tropical environments worldwide. Their necks are flexible, their heads are triangular, and their bodies are long. An elongated body may or may not have wings.
Their front legs are adapted for hunting. They are commonly known as Praying Mantis. The Dead Leaf Mantis has many similarities in shape and characteristics to the Grasshopper.
Mantises can sneak up on prey. Mantises of this species actively chase their prey. They can usually live for a year. In cold weather, adult mantises lay eggs, then die. They usually lay their eggs in autumn.
The eggs are protected by a hard capsule. In ancient Greece and Egypt, the mantis was viewed differently. They were said to have super-natural powers. This species of mantis is most commonly found in the Philippines and Malaysia.