The popular social media platform Facebook has created some community standards to ensure that all users are respected and feel safe. Users have to be careful with all content, such as posts, comments, photos, videos and messages.
Any content that constitutes criminal activity or causes serious harm to others should not be provided. No such person or organization involved in terrorist activities shall be supported. Facebook will not allow any such content to be posted.
It is prohibited to post such content on Facebook that will cause someone to be disrespected or put in a shameful situation. Facebook never supports hate speech. No one can be discriminated against because of their caste, birth, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. No such content can be posted on Facebook.
No articles related to sexual violence can be published on Facebook. No person’s nude pictures or writings of sexual activities can be published on Facebook. Photos of medical procedures or articles related to these topics fall within Facebook’s Community Standards.
Facebook does not support selling or using dangerous goods such as drugs, weapons or bombs. Publishing such information on Facebook is prohibited, as the wrong information will harm someone.
No article or image shall be posted on Facebook which may harm or mislead others. If a group is campaigning to mislead people, their content is banned on Facebook.
These community standards of Facebook are given for the good of all. Facebook aim is to make every user feel safe on this platform and not be a victim of violence.