The Star Wars: Andor TV series was released worldwide on September 21 this year. Since then, huge hype has been created about this TV series. The series is getting a huge response due to the interesting story and eye-catching performances of all the actors and actresses.
The most mature and thought-provoking story from Star Wars ever came from ‘Andor’. ‘Andor’ is the story of a professional thief who joins a rebellion against the super-powerful Galactic Empire. This show is in a different league from all other Star Wars content in terms of quality.
Tony Gilroy made a smart decision to focus on the empire’s bureaucracy. Without flinching at the horrors, Gilroy divides the empire into sections like any authority. Established all divisions separately completely.
The police force, the intelligence office, the politics of Coruscant, the prison system – all sectors are so fleshed out that you don’t feel like you’re watching a story from a galaxy far, far away. Viewers will easily recognize the nature of Empire’s fascism, making the series’ message easy to understand.
The most frightening aspect of the Empire shown in Ander is the actual rule. Through two of the most interesting characters in the series, Empire officials Daedra Miro and Cyril Kern, we get a deep insight into the structure and management of the Empire.
The series explores the nature of fascism from two sides. On the one hand we see oppressed people resisting, turning around; On the other hand, look at the activities, management, belonging to the empire.
The story of rebellion against fascism is by no means new to fantasy, but this series has treated the rebellion with the level of care seen in the original trilogy. Nowhere in Star Wars, not even in the original trilogy, has the Rebellion been shown in such depth or detail
When a Star Wars show can think so deeply about fascism, power, control, rebellion, etc., you have to understand that there is something special here. ‘Andor’ is something special. ‘Andor’ is the most mature and contemporary chapter of George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away, which began in the eighties.