The western world is growing frustrated with India’s opportunistic diplomacy. India is not taking a strong stand against Russia in the United Nations. India also does not want to vote on the no-confidence motion against Russia. Despite being a member of the Quad, India’s behavior has surprised the US.
India is also somewhat disappointed that America has agreed to sell arms to Pakistan. India’s relations with other members of the Quad are not very good. Moreover, since India’s military is dependent on Russia, it is not possible to take a stand against them.
India seeks to achieve strategic governance. They want to adopt foreign policy according to their needs. They want to maintain good relations with all the superpowers so that India does not have to get negative influence from other countries.
India’s foreign policy was earlier Western-centric. But now India has moved away from it. India is now willing to keep multiple options. But the West does not like such tactics of India.
India is not willing to be accountable to any single organization. India wants to maintain relations with Russia as India is dependent on Russia for military weapons.
India maintains some distance from the West for fear of Russia putting pressure on India. India has not fully supported Ukraine for Russia.
India does not think the same way as Britain and Australia, close allies of the US. India’s strategy and approach are different. Australia values accountability and is used to helping each other.
But India’s foreign policy is not like Australia’s. Australia’s foreign policy is to support allies in all circumstances. But that is not possible for India.
India can suddenly change its foreign policy for its own benefit. India also does not want the US to rule the world alone. India wants diversity and inclusiveness in the global system.
The western world does not like this behavior and policy of India. That’s why the United States is moving away from India and slowly looking towards Pakistan.